n222`s New Interview style Questions.
Satya Sidhartha Panda.(Ph.D.)
1. Interview Questions on Team work.
1. Question: - Have you ever had a role in a team project where your role was not clearly defined? How do you handle this?
2. Question:-When your team encounters a problem, such as irritation with another Co-Worker , how do you reach a good resolution?
3. Question:- When you receive positive feedback about the completion of a project do you give your team any credit ?
4. Question:-When you are part of a team that is working exceptionally well , what do you think the reasons are for its success ?
5. Question:-When you have worked on a team ,and your role was crucial , what was that role ? In what way was this team effort different or similar to working on your own?
6. When did you last coordinate your work with others in a team project ?What was your most successful contribution?
2.Interview Questions on Trick- Quest.
7.Question:- Have you already done the best work you are Capable of ?
8.Question :- How long will you stay with the company?
9.Question:-Who is your role model ?
10.Question:-What would you like to be doing five years from now?
11.Question:-How would your friends describe you?
12.How would you react if I told you your interview so far was terrible ?
13.Question:- Why Should I hire you ?
14.Question:-What can you do for us that someone else can not do ?
15. Question: - What was the last book you read or the last movie you saw and how did it affect you?
16. Question:-What is the worst thing you have heard about our company?
3.Interview Questions on Responsibility.
17. Question: - Tell me about a time when you asked for extra responsibility in any of your previous jobs /Assignments in life?
18. Question:-Tell me about a specific task you undertook, which was a challenge for you ?
19.Question:-How do you manage your time in a project/Assignment/Task when these have a tight deadline ?Give an example to prove your pint .
20.Question:-Describe a situation in where you had a task that was quite demanding and what was the result of it ?
21.Question:-Tell me about a time you got totally fed up on the job .What did you do after that ?
22.Question:-What is your first reaction when your senior manager assigns a task that you think is impossible?
4.Interview Questions on Risk Taking.
23. Question:- Have you ever used a new idea without being certain of the outcome ? What did you do and was it a good decision?
24. Question:-When was the last occasion that you took a risk in the workplace, by saying or doing something that could have had adverse repercussions on you, but did not?
25. Question:-When you are unsure of the outcome when trying a new Idea, how do you react?
26. Question:-When changes occur in the company organization, that you think will make your workload unreasonably heavier in the long term, what is your reaction?
5.Interview Questions on Sales Ability.
27. Question:-When was the last time you created a marketing innovation, which energized you, and why did it do so?
28. Question:-Apart from financial considerations, what is challenging about marketing?
29. Question:-What steps do you take when you have an idea to improve either a company service or product?
30. Question:- What steps to you take to promote a business idea to your manager?
31. Question:-Market strategy is constantly changing, what steps have you taken in the last three months to keep up with of current trends?
32. Question:-Sell me the pen/Watch/mobile etc..
33.Question:-How would you rate yourself as a Sales person on a Scale from 1 to 10 ?
34.Question:-What is your Psychology of Selling?
6. Interview Questions on Strategic Thinking.
35. Question: - How do you describe the term ‘Strategic thinking’?
36. Question:-Outline in very broad terms how you would create a strategy for say a public interest Campaign.
37. Question:-As part of the above strategic campaign, why should you carry out a SWOT analysis?
38. Question:-As you develop a strategic vision for your organization what are the five key criteria that you should focus on?
39. Question:- What are the three most common reasons why change in management fails in most organizations ?
7. Interview Questions on Ethics.
40. Question:- Tell me about a time when you had to make an uncertain decision, and there was a possibility of an adverse public reaction. How did you manage the situation?
41.Question:-Have you ever tried to raise issues and methodologies that you thought may have been unlawful or not in accordance with professional principles?
42.Question:-How would you manage a situation where you believed that something was not in compliance with professional ethics ?Have you ever faced such situation? If so, tell me more about it .
43.Question:-What would you do if you saw a valued customer behaving in an unethical manner ?
8. Interview Questions on Determination.
44.Question:- How do you prioritize your work ?Give us an example?
45.Question:-Would you describe yourself as resilient ?If so, Please give some recent examples .
46.Question:-Give an example when you spoke out about something you didn`t feel was right .
47.Question:-Give an example when you had to face and overcome strong opposition against you in a meeting ?
9. Interview Questions on Decision Making.
48.Question:-Explain an occasion where you had to make a decision on your own? Where you happy with your decision making process ?
49.Question:-How do you react in a situation where you need to take an immediate decision ? What process will you follow for decision making in such a critical situation?
50. Question:-Have you ever tried to delay any decision –making? What were the consequences of this on both your company and customers?
51.Question:-Do you always make decisions on your own without the help of others ?In which situations do you seek other`s help for decision-making ?
10. Interview Questions on Customer Service.
52. Question:-How do you handle negative feedback from very angry Clients? How do you respond to him /her?
53. Question:-Can you tell me about a time when you did something extra, which was not part of the routine activities assigned to you ,but you did it for the benefit of the customer ?
54.Question:- Explain with an example , how would you handle a situation where a customer is asking for something , which is not in the interest of the company or which would violate a policy of the company ?
55. Question:-Can you explain how you contact or initiate communications with customers?
56. Question:-If you had to turn down a request from a valued client ,what would you do ?
11. Interview Questions on Creativity.
57.Question:-How often do you discuss and work with colleagues to think up new system and style of working ?
58.Question:-Have you ever tried a new way of doing things /Did you succeed ?
59.Question:-Tell me about one case when you tried to solve a problem with a totally different approach than is normally used. What was the result ?
60.Question:-Can you tell me about a situation, which you tried to solve a problem with ideas and methods that had not been tried before ?
12.Interview Questions on Cooperation Skills.
61.Question:- Some people believe life is all about’ Survival of the fittest’. Today ,others are suggesting ,from new biological evidence ,that life is in fact all about the ‘Survival of the most cooperative’. What do you think ?
62.Question:-Give an example of a situation where you helped your colleague or someone to perform a particular task in which you had better knowledge on the subject ?
63. Question:-Tell me about a time when you acted as a mediator to help colleagues resolve their differences.
64.Question:-How would you show co-workers the importance of co-operation?
65. Question:Give an example of a time when you tried your best to work with someone, but the problems still remained. What did you learn from the situation?
66. Question:-Give an example of a time when you assisted a co-worker to enhance their work skills?
67.Question:- Tell me about a time when you had to help a co-worker who had made a bad mistake ?What did you do ?
13. Interview Questions on Initiative.
68. Question: - Tell me about a time that you undertook a course of study, on your own initiative, in order to improve your work performance?
69. Question:-Tell me about initiatives you have taken to improve procedures at work? Were you successful? Would you do anything different now?
70. Question:-Tell me about a time you succeed in overcoming a major obstacle. How did it make you feel?
71. Question:-Has your supervisor ever come to you and pointed out that you had not met some of your tasks at work? How frequently does it happen?
14. Interview Questions on Confidence.
72.Question:- How you define Self-Confidence ?
73.Question:-How confident are you?
74.Question:-Tell me about a situation or situations that might demonstrate your confidence to do this job ?
75. Question:-Would your friends describe you as a confident person?
76.Question:-Do you think there is a difference between confidence and arrogance?
15. Interview Questions on Communication skills.
77. Question:-Tell me about a time when you had to be very careful in communicating delicate information. What was the possible risk involved and how did you go about it?
78. Question:-Describe a time when you took extra effort to make sure the person with whom you were communicating with had really understood your point. How did you do this?
79. Question:-What steps do you take to establish a rapport with others?
80. Question:-How do you explain a complex technical issue to someone who has less technical knowledge than you?
16. Interview Questions on Coaching Ability.
81. Question:-What procedures do you use to evaluate the ability of your co-workers? What do you do to help your colleagues perform to the best of their abilities?
82.Question:-Give me an example in which you gave some on -the –job training to your subordinates .please be as specific as possible.
83. Question:-Do you think it is important for your colleagues to constantly update their skills? If so, what have you done to help in this matter?
84. Question:-What do you think are the main factors that normally boost the morale of your fellow workers? How would you incorporate these factors into this organization?
85. Question:-Describe a time when you helped a co-worker enhance their Social skills?
86. Question:-As a team leader, how can you motivate a colleague who is not interested in working? What can be done to get him / her to contribute to the organization?
17. Interview Questions on Career Goals.
87. Question:-What are your career goals-both short-term and long-term?
88. Question:-Where do you see yourself five years from now?
89. Question:-There are thousands of possible careers. Why do you want to follow this particular career?
90. Question:-Two years ago-how would you have answered the interview question: Where do you see yourself two years from now? Do you think you have achieved what you wanted to ..?
18. Interview Questions on Assertiveness.
91. Question: Have ever been in a situation, at work, when you have been motivated to question an ethical issue?
92. Question: If a clash of personalities were to occur with a colleague, what steps would you take to make the working relationship run smoothly?
93. Question: Can you explain an occasion when you have had to motivate and boost the morale of your colleagues.
94. Question: What steps will you take to clarify unclear information, or instructions with regard to your work?
19. Interview Questions on Analytical Skills.
95. Question: Can you tell me about a time when you discovered a more efficient way to do a work task?
96. Question: Tell me about a task that really tested your analytical abilities ?
20. Question: Tell me about a tricky situation for which you found a very simple solution?
98. Question: Have you ever been in a real dilemma at work? What did you do to get out of it ?
21. Interview Questions on Ambition.
99. Question: How ambitious are you? And why do you think you are ambitious?
100. Question: Do you think this company is ambitious and if so, Why?
101. Question: Do you have any past heroes?
102. Question: What important goals have you achieved in the past year?
22. Interview Questions on Imagination.
103. Question: Do like doing things in a new way? Do you think it is worth it?
104. Question: How many things (like systems, methodologies, standards etc) were changed at your last job because of your suggestions? How did it benefit the company?
105. Question:What are some things that you may change in the near future about your style of working ?And why ?
106. Question: What are the methods and systems you think should be changed in your current organization to achieve higher efficiency at work? How? Why ?
107. Question: Do you think that technology can help to achieve better efficiency at work? And can you give me an example to explain your thinking?
108. Question: How do you use customer feedback? How do you develop a new system or work process while always keeping the customer`s response well in mind?
109. Question: Can you tell me about a situation where you used your imaginative skills to solve a very difficult problem?
23. Interview Questions on Learning Skills.
110. Question: Explain a recent mistake .What did you learn from it and in what areas can you utilize that knowledge in the future?
111. Question: When was the last time that you volunteered to expand your knowledge at work, as opposed to being directed to do so?
112. Question: When did you last acquire effective knowledge in your own time and how can you apply this towards your career ?
123. Question: What was the last seminar you attended? How did you apply this new-found knowledge towards your work?
124. Question: In which specific areas of your work are you really interested in expanding your knowledge of? How do you intend to achieve this?
125. Question: What is personally fascinating about the areas of your job in which you wish to expand your knowledge?
24. Interview Questions on Listening Skills.
125. Question: Are you capable of getting to the bottom of a situation, when someone is incapable of communicating what they really mean? If so how do you achieve this?
126. Question: Relate an occasion when you withheld your own opinion, and tried to obtain the opinion of others, and why was this action important ?
127. Question: Describe an incident when you had to listen attentively in order to act quickly enough to meet a deadline.
128. Question: How do you deal with situations when others are finding it hard to communicate effectively with you?
129. Question: What do you do when someone is deliberately giving you vague, dissembling, or even obstructive information, which hinders your ability to complete a task?
25. Interview Questions on Resourcefulness.
130. Question: When deciding how to organize your work, how do you assess what tasks need to be given priority?
131. Question: Describe a time when you made your resources stretch beyond the point that you or others thought was realistic.
132. Question: What steps do you take when there is an immediate decision to be made, but without having all the data available?
133. Question: When there is too much work to be completed in one day how do you prioritize your tasks?
134. Question: When was the last time that you tried a new idea to improve your work performance?
135. Question: If you were confronted about an error, for which you were not personally responsible, how would you explain yourself?
26. Interview Questions on Leadership.
136. Question: Describe one experience when you had to lead a team?
137. Question: How do you keep each member of the team involved and motivated, while keeping morale high? What steps do you need to take to achieve this?
138. Question: In what situations do you prefer to use your leadership skills? Can you give me some examples?
139. Question: Have you ever tried to act as a mentor to a colleague? Was it worth it from a professional point of view?
140. Who inspired you as a Leader in the world and Why?
27. Interview Questions on Mental Attitude.
141. Question: How do you handle a situation where the workload is beginning to be too much and your emotions start to be involved in the situation?
142. Question: How do you handle yourself when you feel the world is against you?
143. Question: How would your mother describe your attitude towards work?
144. Question: Is it useful to be able to quickly and accurately appraise another person`s temperament?
145. Question: When was the last time you had a project /assignment or any task that really energized you.
146. Question: What is your general attitude towards life?
147. Question: How do you react when asked to do something beyond your capabilities?
148. Question: Would you describe yourself as an optimist or a pessimist?
28. Interview Questions on Management Ability.
149. Question: With reference to a day`s work, what steps do you take to organize and prioritize your tasks?
150. Question: How do you decide which tasks take priority when organizing a complete project /Assignment or any important task?
151. Question: How do you perform when others need your guidance in a business crisis?
152. Question: Has there been an occasion when you refused to bow to a customer`s pressure to ‘bend the rules’?
153. Question: What do you when you discover you are in a compromising situation?
154. Question: Your whole team has proposed a course of action, but you believe that the stance is unethical, how do you react?
29. Interview Questions on Motivation.
155. Question: Describe a work /project you were involved in that really excited you? How long did that feeling last?
156. Question: Tell me about a time when you willing volunteered for a task. Also, why were you so interested in this specific task?
157. Question: Tell me about a hurdle which got in the way of achieving an ambitious goal. How did you go about overcoming it?
158. Question: Tell me about a goal you achieved which at some points seems hopeless? Why did you keep going on?
159. Question: Describe a work related goal that you have set for yourself.
160. Question: Can you tell me at least three things that you have done in the past year to improve yourself, both business-wise and competency wise?
161. Question: Tell me about a time when you and your whole team were demoralized for some reason. What do you do to raise spirits?
162. Question: Would you regard yourself as a self-starter? Can you give me a recent example where you displayed this quality?
30. Interview Questions on Negotiation skills.
163. Question: When was the last occasion that you had to use your negotiating skills to bring about a resolution that was in everyone`s best interest?
164. Question: Do you need to make your attitude more positive when marketing yourself and your ideas to others?
165. Question: What skills do use when you need to influence the way other people think?
166. Question: When your credibility is compromised, what steps do you take to rectify the situation?
31. Interview Questions on Organizational Skills.
167. Question: When it is your responsibility to organize and plan a project what steps do you take?
168. Question: How do you accommodate last minute changes that have to be incorporated into your work?
169. Question: How do you prioritize the tasks to be completed in one complete work project?
170. Question: Illustrate how you prioritize each day`s tasks?
171. Question: What steps do you take when the work of a colleague threatens the completion of a project?
32. Interview Questions on Patience.
172. Question: Are you a Patient person?
173. Question: Most people find it very hard to be patient? How do you manage it?
174. Question: Can you tell me about a situation that really tested your patience?
175. Question: ‘Genius is infinite attention to detail’ would you agree with this definition?
33. Interview Questions on People Skills.
176. Question: Have you ever asked for feedback about your work? Is feedback a positive or a negative?
177. Question: Can you explain the working culture of your current team? How do you manage to let your colleagues know that you are concerned about them?
178. Question: When faced with a problem do you ever view it from the other person`s point of view? Can you give me a recent example?
179. Question: Tell me about a time you had to deal with a customer who was very vague?
34. Interview Questions on Personality Traits.
180. Question: How do you cope when unexpected obstacles hinder your work?
181. Question: With reference to a recent team work assignment or a project, what went smoothly and in what areas could the work performance have been improved?
182. Question: At certain times everyone has to work with a person where there is a serious clash of personalities. How do you handle a situation where there is mutual dislike?
183. Question: What are your current career objectives and what steps will you take to achieve them?
184. Question: What steps do you personally take when work tasks are falling behind schedule?
35. Interview Questions on Initiative.
185. Question: Tell me about a time that you undertook a course of study, on your own initiative, in Order to improve your work performance?
186. Question: Tell me about initiatives you have taken to improve procedures at work? Were you successful? Would you do anything different now?
190. Question: Tell me about a time you succeed in overcoming a major obstacle. How did it make you feel?
200. Question: Has your supervisor ever come to you and pointed out that you had not met some of your tasks at work? How frequently does it happen?
36. Interview Questions on Interpersonal Skills.
201. Question: Do you think it is important to promote team building among employees in the organization? What steps do you take to ensure this?
202. Question: Tell me about a time when a colleague strongly disagreed with your views, ideas or way of working? What kind of relationship can you develop with such a person?
203. Question: Do you like People?
204. Question: How frequently do you add contacts to your address book? Do you think it is worth building network of contacts?
205. Question: What, in your view makes a person likeable?
206. Question: How will you initiate a new relationship with a potential client? Do you think it is necessary?
37. Interview Questions on Job Knowledge.
207. Question: In which areas do you consider yourself to be a specialist, and how do you envisage being able to utilize your expertise within our Organization?
208. Question: In what specific areas do you need to expand your knowledge to become more proficient at this job?
209. Question: In which areas of your job do you feel capable and in which areas to you feel more comfortable utilizing other people`s experience?
210. Question: Can you suggest methods to utilize your knowledge of the company`s structure to improve relationships with our customer`s and clients?
38.Interview Questions on Judgment.
211. Question: When you observe a curious pattern in data, how do you analyze it?
212. Question: When a logical approach to a problem is ineffective, how do you come up with a solution?
213. Question: What steps do you take when a Customer claims that part of his consignment has not been delivered?
214. Question: When was the last occasion that you had to make an instant character judgment of a person to come up with a solution to a problem?
39. Interview Questions on Pressure.
215. Question: Illustrate an occasion when something visibly shocked you, but you had to appear composed?
216. Question: How do you handle circumstances at work that make you feel temperamental or cynical?
217. Question: What steps do you take to reduce your personal stress levels when there are stressful occasions at work?
218. Question: What steps do you take to accommodate sudden and immediate changes that occur within your organization?
40. Interview Questions on Problem Solving Abilities.
219. Question: Please give me a specific example of how you obtained information to solve a problem? What was the problem and how did you decide what information you required?
220. Question: What steps did you take on the last occasion that you detected the cause of a company operating error?
221. Question: What steps do you take when a colleague is impeding your progress at work?
222. Question: When faced with a work-related problem, what steps do you take to address the issue?
Show Your Confidence First….
“Success doesn’t mean the absence of failures;
It means the attainment of ultimate objectives.
It means winning the war, not every battle.”
Because ‘Some times winning is everything!’
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
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