Thursday, March 11, 2010

Youth: The young Arjunas of today must rise to the call and do their duty.

Youth: The young Arjunas of today must rise to the call and do their duty.
There are millions of creatures living on this earth. If the plant kingdom is also added to it, the number increases further. Man is just one among them, and also the most unique one. ‘Why is it so?’ is the question that should occur to everyone who aspires for positive living. Most scriptures say that there exists a cycle of life and death, and in this cycle, one takes birth as a human being once in every millions of years.
Many of us are familiar with building a house, whether it is a traditional or a concrete house. Nowadays, more and more people are giving the task of building their houses to professional carpenters, builders and architects. But all of them want a house built on a solid foundation and structures. During construction, builders and carpenters may debate and often times agree or disagree on the right mix of cement and other ingredients or the type of timber to use. While the workers may co-operate in ensuring that a solid house is built, there is always room for difference of opinion and views on issues such pointing out a weakness in a joint, a weakness in how a supporting structure is constructed or a part of the foundation is flawed. But the objective is to ensure that the house is built on a solid foundation and has strong supporting structures; one that would ensure the safety and security of the owner(s), and give the builder(s) a sense of satisfaction in a job well-done. In the same way, the need for today’s youth is that they need to come to the fore front and make a solid structure for Nation Building.
This is a world where the youth has to prove their worth by sincere exertion, honesty and dedication to duty. They have to prove their worthiness by the manner in which they live their life. Exertion and perseverance are the secrets of success. They are now in the most invaluable, most precious period of the entire life. Their age, from the 16th year to more then 30th year is verily a golden period and it holds the key to the highest blessedness. It is the foundational period upon which the structure of their whole life will have to stand. The youth has to prepare themselves to utilize this golden period in the most careful and wise manner. Their life and actions will be whatever they make of them. They are the master of their destiny. They fashion the future by the manner in which they live in the present. Their thoughts are the seeds of your deeds. All actions: mental, verbal and physical are ultimately subject to the law of cause and effect; action and the result of the action. Therefore, the youth needs to think only the sublime, normal and noble thoughts free from all abnormality, crookedness and concealment.
It is high time that every citizen in our country tried integration so that unity and a sense of oneness may prevail amongst all. I would say that we should strive not only for national integration but also for universal integration or world integration.
You, the youth of “Bharat”, are all blossoming buds in the garden of God. In a short time all of you, at least most of you, will fully blossom and spread your fragrance all around, making others who come in contact with you happy by your love and selfless service. You are the future citizens of “Bharat Mata”.
“Channelization of the youth power towards progress”
A river in flood causes vast destruction bringing untold sufferings to mankind. If the flow of the same river is checked by a dam built across it, a huge reservoir will be formed. Waters of this reservoir can then be directed through channels to agricultural fields to produce food grains and to power houses to generate electricity. This is an example that illustrates the utilization of the immense power of nature by “Channelizing” it towards constructive purposes. Similarly, the youth power which is either stagnant, or is being used in destructive activities, should be “Dammed” through discipline and channelized towards constructive activities which bring progress for the Country.
Here I am reminded of Sanskrit slokas chanted by our ancient Rishis:
Mata me parvati Devi
Pitha Devo Maheswara
Bandhava ha Siva Bhakthascha
Swadesho Bhuvanatrayam
Let us always have that lofty vision. Then only every one of us will prove to be a blessing not only to Mother India but also to the mother Earth and will have fulfilled the mission of our Life .Everyone of us has to strive for this universal Vision. It is a right time: the youth has to get geared up to work, to acquire and having acquired, to distribute for a healthy nation. Corruption, the naked display of selfishness in cancerous opposes it; not by goondaism, the noisy mobism of the universities or the guns of the terrorists, but by organized, disciplined planning and the courage of convictions in implementing these plans. First acquire knowledge, Judge for yourself, then learn to sit together to take decisions, to carve out the future. You must get inspired by an ideal or an altar and then dedicate yourself to it. If the youth sits in the present, they will meet Karna’s fate as the stuck wheel sinks more and more into the mud. If Karna is to survive, he must lift the wheel of the chariot, using not only his own strength but also by invoking the blessing of his Guru. If Karna had invoked Parsuram’s grace, perhaps he might have been pardoned and his curse revoked!
India is a wonderful country: culturally beautiful, spiritually strong and geographically blessed .What a variety of people we are, but one bond is keeping us together, the bond of humanity. We are “true Indians”, like a string holding a row of Indian Pearls. The young Arjunas (Youth of India) of today must rise to the call and do their duty to get this great nation on the move again; not by disintegrating and destroying no progress possible that way, but by binging the glory of an Indian Consciousness out in the beauty of their action.
Situations where people and their institutions come to co-operate or to take a public stand on an issue reveal something of the values that are common to all. The love and justice of God is seen in our seeking to understand each other, in our working together on certain issues to achieve a common goal and in our stand on moral principles when some political initiatives are judged to be harmful to our people. We cannot build the nation on a situation of increasing poverty, on policies that discriminate others, or at the expense of justice and truth in reconciliation. I am going to list out certain aspects which are most important in shaping our nation:
Education: The process of education should incorporate within it, the imparting of the basic knowledge of India’s great culture, its lofty ideals and noble values and principles of living. Our education has to be oriented for enriching and enhancing the quality of life of our youth and students.
Duty: Our first and foremost duty is to God and to righteousness. Leading a righteous life is the best and most valuable service of our Nation.
Patriotism: Our Motherland should be our first and highest consideration. Welfare of the nation is our welfare. Therefore, let us willingly be ready to offer up even our own life for our country. Let us inculcate in our children and members of our family love for our country, the spirit of patriotism and service to our country and our fellow citizens.
Character: Character is the greatest wealth .A pure, incorruptible citizen is the greatest asset of our Nation .This is vital and indispensable. Therefore; good character is to be given top priority value; upon this depends our National welfare and its future stability.
Health: Health is the basic of success. Health is wealth. Next to character, It is the greatest national asset. As citizens, building up character and safeguarding health should be our primary duty to the Nation.
Virtue: Let us join hands and eradicate the evils of gambling, liquor –drinking, drug-taking, tobacco-smoking and betel-chewing. Let us eradicate the evils of bribery, corruption, selfishness, immorality, dishonesty and misconduct. Disloyalty to our Nation is a Crime and an unpardonable sin.
Public Property: We are the custodians of public property. Let us not spoil, misuse, steal or destroy National property. Let us preserve it with care and love. Let us keep our motherland clean and neat. This is our sacred duty.
One family: All our citizens are brethren. Let us feel this fraternity. Let us all love each other and one another and be united because, we are one family of Bharat Mata.
Religion: We must have equal reverence for all religions, creeds and faiths. Let us love as our own brothers the followers of our faiths. Let us treat others as we wish to be treated by them.
Non-Violence: At all costs avoid every type of violence and hatred for this is a blot on the fair name of our nation. It is soul-Killing and causes great harm to our country’s welfare and development. It is totally opposed to our Nation’s ideal. Non-Injury is our highest virtue (Ahimsa paramo Dharma). This is India’s special teaching. Let us be compassionate towards all creatures. Thus be a true Indian. Try to become an embodiment of kindness, Compassion and goodness in your every day life.
Economy: Let us adopt simple living and high thinking. Let us not be extravagant. Let us avoid waste. Let us practise frugality. Let us share what we have with our less fortunate fellow citizens. This is a National virtue that our India needs today.
Law: Let us respect the rule of Law and uphold social justice. In this lies the guarantee of our welfare and orderly progress towards better India and My India.
Unity: Unity is our strength; the more united the people of a country the greater is their ability to withstand all obstacles and dangers. United we stand, divided we fall. This is particularly true about today’s India. Therefore, let us live in close harmony and loving goodwill with all our countrymen. Love of our country means love of our countrymen. This is the most invaluable service, a citizen of India, can offer to our motherland.
Thus, shine as a true citizen and serve your country best by the very manner of your life and conduct.
Youth can change this as they have the power to vote, the power to choose their leaders. They do not have to blindly follow the politicians; rather they should lead the politicians. That is true democracy. Till now, they have not thought for themselves, they have not cultivated social awareness; they have not generated political consciousness. They have been thinking only of physical comforts.
So, the young Arjunas wake up, we need to change otherwise the system will change us.
Ramakrishna Mission, Bangalore
Divine Life Society, Orissa
Prof. Satya Sidhartha Panda
IIBS,Bangalore Department of Management Studies

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